Topics & Talks

Tech Career Insights: Navigating Growth for Students and Early-Career Professionals

Discover key insights and strategies for personal and professional growth tailored for students and early-career professionals in the tech industry. This session offers a dynamic blend of career mentoring and interactive Q&A, providing valuable guidance to navigate the evolving tech landscape and build a successful and fulfilling career path.

career mentorship
Gating Your APIs Without Lifting a Server

When building APIs, security cannot be an afterthought. Let's examine a technique to gate endpoints with configurable OAuth using serverless methodologies.

security apis architecture
Dynamic Domain-Driven UI: Crafting Seamless Multi-Tenant Experiences

Uncover the secrets of dynamic multi-tenant web experiences, adapting UI based on domain names. Learn to transform a single origin server using NGINX and web technologies for a unique look and feel per domain. From customized email preferences to region-specific legal content, seamlessly integrate tailored solutions into your web product without added infrastructure complexity.

routing multi-tenant architecture
Automated Email Testing with Postfix and Docker

Join us to explore and build a full round-trip, automated email testing system that runs entirely in ephemeral environments

automation qa docker testing
Learning to Ask the Right Questions

Often, it is more important to know the right questions to ask than to have the right answer - as those questions lead to the answers

soft skills leadership career
Engineering Student Tech Talk

A high level career discussion giving insight into tech evaluation, networking, interviewing, and finding that first job

mentorship tech talk career

Speaking Engagements